Monday, September 18, 2006


Saturday, September 9th, Kristen's friend Kymberly gave Kristen a baby shower brunch. The food was great, and the games fun, including the guess what kind of baby food is in the jar. I think you have to be a recent mother to figure these out. I only got 4 right out of about 12. They have new combinations and flavors than we had when my girls were little.

I actually did get Keaton's quilt done before the shower:

While at the shower, I saw a friend of Kristen's I have not seen since they were in high school, Becky, and she is pregnant with a boy, and due about 3 weeks after Kristen. I told her I would make her a baby quilt too, similar to Kristen's. Becky's shower was September 17th, a week and a day after Kristen's, which we attended, and I did have the top done, and brought it home to quilt.

This picture to the right is of Kristen, Kyleigh's godmother Curly, Jeff's grandmother Carm, and Katie.

And this is Becky, and another pregnant friend, Nancy.

Yesterday, when we attended Becky's shower, I was able to get a picture of the two together. Becky didn't want to take the quilt top out of the tissue paper, afraid it would get ruined. I told her it was OK, she was treating it like it was something precious.

But I feel pretty good about myself. I made 2 quilt tops in 3 weeks, and have one quilted.

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