Thursday, May 24, 2007


Before Christmas 2006 I was talking to Kyleigh about making her a crazy quilt fish vest. She asked if I had any dolphin fabric, and we looked and I did. She said that her teacher, Mrs. Stenkylft really needed a quilt for the classroom, as their class was called The Dolphins. I asked her if she wanted me to do the quilt or the vest first, and she wanted the quilt made first. Kyleigh and I delivered it on May 14, 2006, and Mrs. Stenklyft was thrilled, almost to tears. She is going to hang it above the marine fish tank the class has. I really didn't want to cut all the dolphin fabric up into so they were not recognizable, so it is just very simple pieces of fabric sewn together, and then I made the letters.

Kyleigh designed the label for me and I printed it onto fabric.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Sunday, April 29, 2007 was baptism day for both boys, and they did so good through the baptism and the service. Jaeger was 4 years, 4 months, and Keaton was 6 months old. I was going to get a picture of them in their outfits, but they arrived just right before the service was starting. Then I thought I would get one at the BBQ luncheon later, but that was not possible either. Kristen promised to get pictures later in their outfits at the church.

This was a picture of the boys taken probably about 6 weeks to 2 months prior to the baptism.