Thursday, October 19, 2006


On October 2nd, approximately 1:55 a.m., Kristen called me and told me it was time, her water had broke and that she thought she was in labor, and had been for about an hour. She had called Katie, to see if she would come stay with Kyleigh and Jaeger, and had not woken Jeff yet. I told her to call me when they were headed to the hospital. She called about 40 minutes later, and we all headed to Sutter Roseville Medical Center, arriving at 3 a.m. to the birthing center.

They finally got her into a room, and gowned, and got the monitors set up, and finally ended up checking how far along she was about 3:40, and she was 6 cm dilated. About 10 minutes later the doctor arrived, and said she was 8. He broke the remaining water, and everything went pretty fast after that. Right at the point we could see the little head, Kristen said she was tired of pushing, and she hurt. After some coaxing, and not much more time, little Keaton Charles Walter Boatwright made his presence known in this world at 4:26 a.m. He did not like the nasty drops they put in his eyes, he did not like them carting him around and weighing him naked, but he calmed down pretty quick, and has been a sweetheart ever since.

He is adored by his big brother and sister, and Jaeger told me today, when Keaton and Jaeger came to visit, that Keaton when he is upset, likes to hear singing. And Jaeger burst into the A,B,C song, and he did quiet right down. even though he was starving to death!

He weighed in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces, 21 inches long.


Susan said...

This one is pretty close to your birthday. Does that make him a birthday gift? =) Thanks for sharing the pics!

Ms. Jan said...

Congratulations Karrin! Great pictures of the baby and big kids, too.