Tuesday, January 23, 2007


For about 3 months now, I have had pictures of the kids to share, but my scanner software was not cooperating. It kept saying to reinstall it, which I did, and still it would not work. The printer and fax on the same HP all in one worked, but not the scanner. Last weekend I finally had a chance to straighten it out and I got my pictures scanned. This first one is Keaton, I think he is about a month old.

In these two I think he is 2 months old.

Shortly after Keaton was born, Kristen took this picture of all the kids together. She old Kyleigh and Jaeger to close their eyes, they are not really asleep.

These are the kids school pictures for this year.
Kyleigh is in 1st grade and Jaeger is in preschool

This was their Christmas picture

1 comment:

Susan said...

Pictures of your grandchildren are always great - they are so photogenic! I can't believe how big Kyleigh and Jaeger are getting. I really love the picture of the three of them. Thanks for posting these and letting us know they were here!